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media:lyrics:lyrics4theworld [2012/02/03 04:43]
media:lyrics:lyrics4theworld [2012/05/16 00:06]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-lyrics 2012* (04:04 25012012) always under construction! 
-hey ! ! 
-parent's, politic-guys 
-doctor's, scientist's, police-officer' 
- .. you are against drugs ..  
-think again !!  
-and answer the following questions .. 
-do you use internet .. 
-do you use an iphone or a macbook .. 
-do you listen to music, no matter what cind ¿ 
-do you like art .. and even go to museums ..  
-WELL .. if you are enjoying and using all of these things and you are against drugs, then its time, that you STOP to use these things .. because without drugs .. we all wouldn't use and enjoy these things as we do nowadays  
-so please .. think again 
-and there is no law against thinking ; ))  
-thinking is free  
-thinking doesn't cost anything  
-you don't need money or any cind of university to be able to think 
-i mean .. such an amazing thing .. and its for free .. cant even put a patent on it .. mh 
-and everybody can do it ! and everybody does it! 
-its time to reboot the system 
-do you know what makes you happy? 
-i dont need to post on facebook to think of you .. 
-when i think of you ... i can do this always .. 
-everywhere °*° *°* the fastest post 
-lets face it .. this reality .. ha ha ha 
-wanna know what reality is .. then take LSD 
-lsd brings you back to your instincts. lsd shows you' is' and the connection of it all 
-people ask me 
-'what should i eat, what's best for me' .. 
-this or that .. what is good .. 
-acctually .. 
-take lsd and your body will tell you what you need to eat. 
- but by law its not allowed to write in a book .. as a singer i can say what i want .. its art 
-most of these pics where done under any cind of influence of illegal substances .. please think about that next time when you go to the museum, early sunday morning, on the only free day of your week .. lets wave our hands for the sunday early museum visitors .. good morning .. may the light shine on you *°* 
-with mdma you feel the uniq holy love in you 
-love for yourself 
-love for everybody around you  
-love for all your amazing friends and family (04:04) 
-love for the world 
-what you call religion .. i call pr 
-what i call religion .. you call esoteric, illegal, even criminal 
-we are afraid of thousants of things  
-wheather its whats happend when we were children 
-or in this terrible school system of this civil world 
-well .. i learned there mainly what i don't like .. but nowbody knows there what they doOo like .. 
-maybe the only goOod thing about facebook .. 
-ein süchtiger ist auf der suche .. 
-what if we don't believe that 
-hey girls .. i wanna know what you think .. 
-the guys get nervos when their king is relaxing 
-i mean .. the high art of relaxation and they get all freaked out 
-but cind of .. its good that the king strikes 
-that the men remember the rest of the body of the woman : )) 
-you need a temple .. your temple is your bed  
-your temple is your club .. 
-your temple is your sofa .. 
-whatever it is .. 
-amy whinehouse,  michael jackson,  
-i cry for all the music and lyrics 
-that where not sung 
-because they left the body before .. 
-its all about the pain of the boOody .. this fucking mess they doOo here 
-we think we loose things .. 
-but nothing gets lost. 
-comedy in the club ; ) 
-.. where did i put my lighter ..  
-lets talk about energy .. well .. first . to start . the beginninging 
-ok .. a little bit ..  
-before you take a line .. ask your nose witch of the doors to use 
-time has nothing to do with these numbers .. 
-mdma is to feel your love .. for yourself and all other people .. for the world 
-ketamin is to feel 'what you call' god .. ketamin makes that you don't feel the pain of the body anymore .. what opens the gate to the spiritual world 
- it opens the gate to the spiritual world, cause you don't feel the pain of the body 
-lsd is to feel your instincts .. lsd is to feel you are nature .. humans are animals .. lsd is 
-lsd .. for the fine-tuning of it all 
-mdma is to feel love 
-ketamin ist to feel spirituality 
-lsd is to feel nature 
-nature is not only around.  
-you are nature 
-humans are nature 
-we are animals 
-intelligence is not to think 
-intelligence is to feel and to connect 
-you wanna know what they ment with: to be or not to be  
-lsd is your medicine 
-we don't fight the system - we built a free system 
-lsd .. for the fine-tuning of it all 
-mdma and lsd are to feel your love and light 
-and all the crazy names you need 
-money destroyes the soul 
-what we need to live .. .. to be happy .. .. we need lots of love .. thats for sure )) haha 
-it's a mix of what you call meditation & pray. 
-it has no rules 
-there is no right and wrong way to do it 
-when people get lots on drugs .. 
-its not the drugs that makes them get lost 
-its the soul that makes them get lost .. 
-we all have it . this soul thing .. it's in you .. it's not for sale .. it is in you 
-thats where we are all connected  
-and we feel it 
-and when we feel it 
-then we get really really strong 
-love .. nirvana ..we understand noOow. 
-thats the truth hahahahahahahah laugh 
-drink water without boobles 
-i want to drink water without boobles 
-this is your mantra 
-a goOod  
-call it goOod 
-dankbarkeit macht glükclich glükclicc 
-to be .. or? .. NOT to be  
-that's the question 
-do you do something to feel yourself .. OR¿ .. do you do something NOT to feel yourself .. .. 
-thats the question, to the answer: 42 
-the most important things in life .. 
-i don't find woOords .. 
-you are goOod 
-we are goOod 
-the worls is goOod 
-the universe is goOod 
-you are and it is. 
-this .. what you feel now .. 
-W.O.W is the opposite of s.o.s 
-°*° JETZT °*° 
-lets change the world 
-together we can do it. (we can do that) 
-when you feel down, think of your last goOod party 
-and you get energy to feel goOod 
-i want to feel sharefoodforest goOod 
-i am working for this weekend goOod. 
-i am not jet an alien 
-to feel yourself 
-to heal yourself 
-to do this 
-you need .. 
-what we call time, but the time without these numbers 
-but we don't have this time, because we sold it to the money and to the .. what we call luxury and civilization 
-and when we go on .. with all that luxury shit .. then we fuck it all up. 
-is it THAT what you want ... 
-because when people can't leave live ... they die. 
-what is also goOod. 
-! think again ! 
-4 u 4 us 
-a hug is food for the soul 
-a hug is soulfood 
-it has nothing to do with sex, when i want to hug you 
-hug = soulfood 
media/lyrics/lyrics4theworld.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/01/20 15:43 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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