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media:lyrics:lyrics4theworld [2012/02/03 23:10]
media:lyrics:lyrics4theworld [2016/01/20 15:43] (aktuell)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 +lyrics 2012* (04:04 25012012) always under construction! (these words belong to the world)
 +these lyrics stand under the sign of:
 +it°s easy to copy
 +hard to invent
 +clever to combinate
 +well .. i don't know about you ..
 +but i learned to have respect from people that studied
 +and my problem since i am a young child
 +that i feel the pain of the world
 +THEN I AM NOT IMPRESSED !!     (inspired by and with deepest blessings to [[http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8683046848311681223|George Carlin]], [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Carlin|George Carlin on wikipedia]])
 +° * * °
 +ich glaube, dass wir menschen nicht halb so intelligent sind, wie wir es gerne hätten ..
 +und dies der grund ist, warum wir alles sehr kompliziert gestalten ..
 +um uns immer wieder zu beweisen wie intelligent wir sind ..
 +° * * °
 +jede schraube braucht nen TÜV
 +an der börse lässt °man° die einfach machen ..
 +die haben schon ETHIK ?¿
 +° * * °
 +when we look at history
 +what happens noOow
 +°*° and i am happy to be here °*°
 +WHY ?¿ we have WAR ?¿
 +because we can't love eachother
 +because we can't share
 +because we can't live our souls
 +because we stay in our pains and fears
 +and need to run after the money and pride
 +and soOo on ..
 +because humankind SINCE EVER DID EVERYTHING !!
 +to abandon the soOoul
 +° * * °
 +they tell us the cameras protect us
 +and ALL the data collection
 +BUT !!
 +NoOoTHING !! gets safer
 +it ALL gets even moOore a FKN MESS !!
 +and everybody (still) thinks ..
 +'but i can't do nothing' ..
 +° * * °
 +politik ist der verlängerte arm der wirtschaft
 +° * * °
 +we dont always have a choice
 +to whom we bring our money
 +like electricity ..
 +like taxes ..
 +if i bring my money 
 +to a human behind the business
 +OR ?¿
 +a stockholder behind the business
 +when everybody starts to think aboOout that
 +.. ..
 +when you lost the energy to believe in change
 +then i hope you still have enough power
 +to support the people that have this energy °*°
 +you can run again on the moon
 +when everyone on this planet has something to eat
 +and this everyday
 +NOW is the moment to overthink our VALUES
 +NOW is the moment to overfeel WHAT we really need to BE FEEL °*° HAPPY °*°
 +then there is enough for everybody
 +NOW is the time to overcome our FEARS
 +NOW is the time to change some HABITS
 +° * * °
 +smile laugh
 +hug deeply
 +give compliments
 +eat drink
 +technic to communicate and work
 +home sweet home
 +° * * °
 +° * * °
 +true heroes of this world
 +and NOT the ones that enjoy their job !
 +without prostitution there would be way more crime and violence
 +as a 'thank you ! by this law of ours ! for the work of prostitues
 +they have nearly now rights and are acting mostly illegal
 +hey ! !
 +parents, politic-guys
 +doctors, scientists, police-officers 
 + .. you are against drugs .. 
 +! think again ! 
 +and answer the following questions ..
 +do you use internet ..
 +do you use an iphone or a macbook ..
 +do you listen to music, no matter what cind ¿
 +do you like art .. and even go to museum'z .. 
 +WELL .. ! 
 +if you are enjoying and using all of these things 
 +and you are against drugs
 +then it's time, that you STOP to use these things ..
 +because without drugs .. 
 +we all wouldn't use and enjoy these things 
 +as we do nowadays 
 +so please .. think again
 +and there is no law against thinking ; )) 
 +thinking is free 
 +thinking doesn't cost anything 
 +you don't need money or any kind of university to be able to think
 +i mean .. such an amazing thing .. and it's for free .. can't even put a patent on it .. mh
 +and everybody can do it ! and everybody does it!
 +do you know what makes you happy?
 +i dont need to post on facebook that i think of you ..
 +when i think of you ... i can do this always ..
 +everywhere °*° *°* the fastest post
 +let's face it .. this reality .. ha ha ha
 +wanna know what reality is .. then take LSD
 +lsd brings you back to your instincts
 +lsd shows you °is° and the connection of it °all°
 +people ask
 +'what should i eat, what's best for me' ..
 +this or that .. what is good ..
 +acctually ..
 +take lsd and your body will tell you what it needs
 +but by the law of the actual system
 +it°s not allowed to write this in a book
 +as a singer one can say what one wants
 +it°s art
 +most of these paintings where done under any kind of influence of illegal substances
 +please think about that next time when you go to the museum
 +early sunday morning
 +on the only free day of your week .. 
 +let's wave our hands for the sunday early museum visitors 
 +.. good morning .. 
 +may the light shine on you *°*
 +° * * °
 +with mdma you feel the uniq holy loOove in yoOou
 +loOove for yourself
 +loOove for everybody around you 
 +loOove for all your amazing friends and family (04:04)
 +loOove for the woOorld
 +° * * °
 +what you call religion .. i call PR
 +what i call religion .. you call esoteric, illegal, even criminal
 +° * * °
 +we are afraid of thousands of things 
 +wheather it's what's happend when we were children
 +or in this terrible school system of this civil world
 +well .. i learned there mainly what i don't like .. but nowbody knows there what they doOo like ..
 +maybe the only goOod thing about facebook ..
 +ein süchtiger ist auf der suche ..
 +what if we don't believe that
 +hey girls .. i wanna know what you think ..
 +the guys get nervous when their king is relaxing
 +i mean .. the high art of relaxation and they get all freaked out
 +but kind of .. it's good that the king strikes
 +that the men REMEMBER the rest of the body of the woman : ))
 +you need a temple .. your temple is your bed 
 +your temple is your club ..
 +your temple is your sofa ..
 +whatever it is ..
 +° * * °
 +amy whinehouse,  michael jackson, 
 +i cry for all the music and lyrics
 +that where not sung
 +because they left the body before ..
 +it's all about the pain of the boOody .. this fucking mess we doOo here
 +° * * °
 +we think we loose things ..
 +but nothing gets lost.
 +comedy in the club ; )
 +.. where did i put my lighter .. 
 +° * * °
 +let's talk about energy .. well .. first . to start . the beginning
 +ok .. a little bit .. 
 +before you take a line .. ask your nose witch of the doors to use
 +° * * °
 +time has nothing to do with these numbers
 +° * * °
 +mdma is to feel your love .. for yourself and all other people .. for the world
 +ketamine is to feel 'what you call 'god ..
 +ketamine opens the gate to the spiritual world, cause you don't feel the pain of the body anymoOore
 +lsd is to feel your instincts .. lsd is to feel you are nature .. humans are animals .. lsd is
 +lsd .. for the fine-tuning of it all
 +mdma is to feel love
 +ketamine ist to feel spirituality
 +lsd is to feel nature
 +° * * °
 +what you call k-hole
 +i call the energy of meditation
 +°IS° the spot
 +°*° WHERE °*° we °*°ALL°*° meet
 +when you feel bad .. ..
 +you can go to this spot
 +and you will get ENERGY °*°
 +° * * °
 +nature is not only around. 
 +you are nature
 +humans are nature
 +we are animals
 +° * * °
 +intelligence is not to think
 +intelligence is to feel and to connect
 +you wanna know what they ment with: to be or not to be 
 +lsd is your medicine
 +we don't fight the system - we build a free system
 +lsd .. for the fine-tuning of it all
 +mdma and lsd are to feel your love and light
 +and all the crazy names you need
 +money destroys the soul
 +what we need to live .. .. to be happy .. .. we need lots of love .. that's for sure )) ha ha *
 +° * * °
 +it's a mix of what you call meditation & pray.
 +it has no rules
 +it doesn't even have a name
 +there is no right and wrong way to do it
 +you do it when you cook
 +you do it when you dance
 +you do it when you doOo noOothing
 +you do it when you loOove
 +in these moments °
 +when your body feels like a feather
 +when your brain is a floating sea
 +when your heart is full of light
 +when you feel deeply connected
 +when people get lost on drugs ..
 +it's not the drugs that makes them get lost
 +it's the soul that makes them get lost ..
 +because in this world .. we live
 +humankind since ever
 +did everything
 +that humankind doesn°t arrive to the soul
 +WHY ?¿
 +because when YOU arrive in YOUR soOoul
 +then i can°t control you anymore (=ego-system)
 +because of this FACT is ALL this drama and scandal around
 +that every human arrives by his soOoul
 +that°s the base to live toOogether on this planet ♥
 +because when you loOove yourself
 +you treat yourself and everything around different
 +with love
 +with care
 +with respect
 +with humility
 +because you care
 +because you SHARE
 +when i have to give 'my religion' a name
 +then it°s 
 +°*° SHARE °*°
 +it doesn't matter how much or what you have
 +the question is: do you share it or not
 +° * * °
 +we all have it . this soul thing .. it°s in you .. it°s not for sale .. it is in you
 +that°s where we are ALL connected 
 +and we feel it
 +and when we feel it
 +then we get really really strong
 +relationship .. is to share your life
 +the base is trust
 +the base is love
 +the base is soul
 +love .. nirvana ..we understand noOow.
 +thats the truth hahahahahahahah laugh
 +drink water without bubbles
 +i want to drink water without bubbles
 +this is your mantra
 +a goOod 
 +call it goOod
 +dankbarkeit macht glükclich glükclicc
 +to be .. or? .. NOT to be 
 +that's the question
 +do you do something to feel yourself .. OR¿ .. do you do something NOT to feel yourself .. ..
 +thats the question, to the answer: 42
 +the most important things in life ..
 +i don't find woOords ..
 +you are goOod
 +we are goOod
 +the world is goOod
 +the universe is goOod
 +you are and it is.
 +this .. what you feel now ..
 +W.O.W is the opposite of s.o.s
 +°*° JETZT °*°
 +let's change the world
 +together we can do it. (we can do that)
 +when you feel down, think of your last goOod party
 +and you get energy to feel goOod
 +i want to feel sharefoodforest goOod
 +i am working for this weekend goOod.
 +i am not jet an alien
 +to feel yourself
 +to heal yourself
 +to do this
 +you need ..
 +what we call time, but the time without these numbers
 +but we don't have this time, because we sold it to the money and to the .. what we call luxury and civilization
 +and when we go on .. with all that luxury shit .. then we fuck it all up.
 +is it *°*THAT°*° what you want ...
 +because when people can't live ... they die.
 +what is also goOod.
 +! think again !
 +4 u 4 us
 +a hug is food for the soul
 +a hug is soulfood
 +it has nothing to do with sex, when i want to hug you
 +hug = soulfood
 +do you really think thinking is bringing the solution ..
 +then think again ; )
 +perfection ... pfrfff
 +it doesn't exist
 +it's a rumoOor
 +invite the un¿perfectioOon
 +intoOo all of your actions
 +intoOo all of your art'z
 +intoOo all of your life 
 +is like ..
 +to knoOow everything
 +is like ..
 +to doOo everything alone
 +hoOow boOoring
 +invite the un¿perfectioOon intoOo yoOour life
 +and woOonders will happen to you *°* °*°
 +when you see a small mistake 
 +leave it on purpose
 +you will laugh every time you see it
 +°*° THAT °*° makes yoOou healthy&happy
 +° * * °
 +haha *
 +° * * °
 +mr. zuckerberg !
 +what's wrong with you ¿
 +do you believe yourself ¿
 +do you listen to yourself ¿
 +do you have friends ¿
 +is everybody around you
 +just licking your ass
 +for an other 'i like'
 +OR¿! AND¿!
 +is it money
 +is it a ferrari infront of every house you own
 +is it power 
 +PLEASE less sugar
 +and moOore mountains
 +the best thing aboOout us humans
 +is ..
 +that we can change
 +the way we think
 +the way we live
 +and then we are
 +what we are
 +° * * °
 +a construction of the mind
 +in combination of the body
 +blessed by the soul
 +and again i talk to you !
 +politic-guys, parents, doctors, scientists
 +you blame the bad *BAD* bad drugs
 +evil has come to humanity ..
 +and at the same time you want to sell your sugarfood
 +if only possible to ALL of humankind ..
 +while you pay to figure out why we all get sicker and not healthier
 +year by year ..
 +!! white sugar is addiction number *1* in the civilized world !!
 +white sugar
 +makes your body addicted in no time
 +white sugar
 +are like dead food
 +it doesn't give your body substance
 +it takes from your body substance
 +white sugar
 +changes the biochemistry in your body
 +and your happy cell gets a sad cell
 +stress and fear destroy ALL your health
 +stress and fear abort your soul
 +mankind has been kept under fear since ever
 +that works over the weak power of the mind
 +power mind . mind power
 +noOow is the time
 +to leave the path of fear
 +to leave the path of mind control
 +and live your soul
 +love your soul
 +to love and live your inner energy
 +this is you
 +connected to the universe
 +in peace with your story
 +connected to the place where we ALL meet
 +and again i talk to you guys !!
 +° * * °
 +mh .. i lost my thought , ))
 +° * * °
 +° * * °
 +i lost my thought again
 +haha *
 +mankind is searching for this *1* only medicine
 +since mankind can think ..
 +if there °is° this *1* medicine
 +°*° THAT °*° one can suggest to °*° EVERY °*° person on this planet to be ° get ° stay healthy&happy
 +then it is to °*° laugh °*°
 +then it is to °*° hug °*°
 +PLEASE everyday in our lifes and PLEASE several times : )
 +and if no one is around ..
 +hug yourself 
 +laugh with and at yourself °*°
 +many people learned to give loOove to others
 +but have no clue how to give loOove to themselves
 +many people learned to laugh at others
 +but have no clue how to laugh with themselves
 +who am i .. ?¿
 +first of all
 +i am not i
 +i is an illusion of the mind
 +to keep us under control and in fear of being an ego (egoOo)
 +this .. what we call °i°
 +is a mix of . . .
 +.your inner connection with your energy ° instincts ° talents
 +.your inner connection with your ancestors ° family ° story
 +.your inner connection with the universe ° cosmos ° god ° goOod
 +it°s ALL connected ° together
 +yoOou are a constant mix of body ° mind ° soul
 +yoOou are a constant mix of i ° us ° we
 +ALL this together is called HEALTH
 +ALL this together is called NATURE
 +ALL this together is called YOU
 +° * * °
 +earthtime 4:44 4th of february 2012 berlin eurasia at home 
 +° * * °
 +why do accidents happen
 +because we hurry
 +because we are unpatient
 +because we think . when we should feel
 +because we listen to our minds
 +instead to listen to our instincts
 +we ALL know this situation
 +when this inner something tells you to do something
 +when you listen to this something
 +you will feel good and things arrange magically °*°
 +when you don't listen to the something
 +you mostly feel bad and question yourself 
 +the real epidemy of humankind 
 +is ..
 +to question oneself !!
 +with this energy you slowly kill yourself
 +not because you are bad
 +but because you didn't learn any better ; ))
 +and yes ) let°s b *BAD*
 +let°s cherish the soOomething
 +° * * °
 +° * * °
 +thank yoOo
 +° * * °
 +we are ALL the sameE
 +° * * °
 +genau stimmt hundert100 prozent% topaktuell guetbürgerlich
 +° * * °
 +lass dein instinkt erinnern
 +nicht dein hirn
 +lass dein instinkt dir zeichen geben
 +nicht dein hirn
 +das hirn wird falsch genutzt
 +das hirn ist nicht dein meister
 +dad hirn ist ein ^sklave
 +das hirn verbindet lediglich
 +mehr nicht
 +ok .. es verbindet über vielfältige mechanismen
 +sehr raffiniert ausgeklügelt etc.
 +aber das was du intelligenz nennst
 +das ist nicht das hirn
 +das ist das herz
 +das ist die seele
 +das hirn macht lediglich ein paar verbindungen
 +beim erklären des hirns 
 +kommt uns das hirn 
 +in den weg
 +haha *
 +° * * °
 +das leben wurde wissenschaftlich untersucht
 +und °man° kam zum schluss ,,
 +es lohnt sich
 +wer ist eigentlich dieser °man°
 +der dritte man
 +also ich bin der nicht
 +hast du ihn gesehen .. ?¿
 +AAA .. auf den warten ALLE 
 +ich denk ..
 + der man
 +ist ..
 +hört hin ..
 +wie willst du dich mit dir selber connecten
 +wenn du von dir selber die meiste zeit als °man° redest ..
 +und woOo hast du ein problem mit diesem mann und frau ding ; ))
 +wenn kein argument mehr greift
 +dann ist es sicher
 +weil ..
 +du ein mann bist
 +und ich eine frau
 +pffrfffff haha *
 +und erst viel später sind wir mann oder frau
 +°man° hat uns seit gedenken eingeredet
 +dass wir anders sind ..
 +und wir glauben's immer noch ..
 +pfffrfff haha *
 +thinking is overrated 
 +°*° feeel °*°
 +and you are
 +° * * °
 +dieser °man° von dem wir reden
 +damit meinen wir ..
 +dass es uns in gewissen situationen ALLEN GLEICH geht
 +dieses °man° 'hindert uns uns selber zu spüren
 +dafür ist dieses °man° der ORT
 +dieser luftvolle raum
 +der uns gerne angst macht
 +wenn wir ihn das erste mal betreten ..
 +dieses °man° gibt uns kraft
 +jedoch nur wenn wir bei uns sind
 +sonst lässt es uns abheben
 +in die °man° zoOone
 +was gern im schlammassel endet
 +° * * °
 +WHY are we soOo afraid of death ?¿
 +because we think life ends with death ?¿
 +but many lives only beginn with death ?¿
 +we think people are gone after they left this body ?¿
 +we think by mourning we treasure the ones that left us ..
 +stop the thinking
 +and °*° feel °*°
 +when you are sad
 +then cry ° enjoy the crying
 +°*° treasure °*°
 +°*° humility °*°
 +°*° gratitude °*°
 +are the values i feel about death
 +°*° energy °*°
 +°*° transformation °*°
 +°*° support ° magic °*°
 +are the values i feel about death
 +°*° deeep °*°
 +°*° deeep °*°
 +°*° deeep °*°
 +deepest soul
 +muddy slippery when wet
 +a little dirt
 +this feeling ° energy ° emotion
 +invite it in to your life
 +and your life is magic
 +and you feel the we
 +this we ° we need it " to what we call
 +°change the world°
 +this is our world !!
 +this world doesn't belong to the politic-guys
 +this world doesn't belong to the industry-guys
 +this world doesn't belong to the stocks-guys
 +this is oOour woOorld °*°
 +i can't change the woOorld aloOone 
 +YES that's true mo♥om
 +but toOogether .. how many are we ?¿
 +seven billions
 +funny )
 +i love number°2
 +toOogether we are strong
 +this is oOour woOorld °*°
 +we are human°s -- we loOove to help°
 +° * * ° 
 +cheerleaders in WAITING (by [[http://www.cassybritton.com|cassy]], 09:00 06022012, cdv berlin eurasia)
 +es ist die welt und du
 +und die welt bist du
 +° * * ° 
 +stoOomack OR¿ six pack
 +stomack vs. sixpack ..
 +beginn jeden tag zu lachen
 +beginn jeden tag über dich selber zu lachen
 +°*° UND °*° es geht um °*° DAS °*° lachen 
 +bei dem °man° auf dem boden liegt vor lachen : )) 
 +° * * ° 
 +frohlocke den hopfen
 +° * * ° 
 +T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U steve jobs
 +for saying and writing
 +that L.S.D was part
 +of getting it all
 +i truly loOove yoOou for this
 +and i pray for yoOour family
 +that they overcome the sorrow
 +because yoOou are ALL around
 +T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U.
 +Hofmann°s Gardinen NEU (ausgegraben by begeorge, tranZiNtelligenZ)
 +° * * ° 
 +das geht auch über°s iNTERNET
 +das geht auch ohne handi
 +das kann jeder in gedAAAnken
 +und es koOommt AAAn
 +darauf kannst du vertrauen
 +° * * ° 
 +ich weiss nicht wie es geht ..
 +aber ich fühle die menschen
 +und ich weiss ..
 +viele andere menschen auf dieser welt haben das gleiche ..
 +und denken sie sind verrückt
 +oOoder sie sind heiler und schamanen ..
 +ich fühl es aber NUR
 +wenn ich bei mir bin
 +wenn ich mich verliere ..
 +und auch da weiss ich nicht ..
 +wie es funktioniert ..
 +ich weiss NUR
 +dass es passiert ..
 +wenn ich mich verliere (wir nennen es UNSICHERHEIT!)
 +komme ich SCHNELLER wieder zu mir (hier und beim sport darf dieses wort schnell benutzt werden, sonst ist es tabu :)
 +wenn mir ein anderer mensch hilft
 +mit in arm nehmen
 +mit hin hören
 +mit lachen
 +mit essen
 +was auch immer es ist
 +wenn wir uns verlieren
 +die menschen um uns herum BESSER 
 +was wir brauchen beschützen umarmen halten küssen (aber die ohne den sex bitte)
 +das nennt sich hilfe annehmen 
 +das ist SeeLeNnAAAhrung
 +ist genausoOo wichtig wie materielle nahrung 
 +diese unsicherheit ..
 +die kennen wir ALLE ..
 +wenn sich das gesicht von alleine verzieht .. fremdgesteuert ha ha*
 +und wir uns in luft auflösen wollen BITTE
 +dann brauchen wir ..
 +'a little help from a friend' (THANK yoOou BEATLES)
 +OR ¿
 +a little loOoving kick in the ass
 +° * * ° 
 +wir haben angst uns zu sagen
 +was wir fühlen
 +weil ...
 +wir gelernt haben
 +uns °JA° nicht zu verletzen
 +° * * ° 
 +lately i understoood ..
 +why so many AMAZiNG people
 +died in the last years ..
 +.. ..
 +this ENERGY happening NOW on this world (earth)
 +is .. pure magic
 +and it takes two ..
 +the spiritual world
 +and .. the world .. us 
 +ALL the people that die ..
 +they HELP us 
 +here ..
 +YES! you can't understand it .. ..
 +you can only fe♥el it
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